We went to Scotland about one year into dating. I think John's first Konrad family trip really made him question what he was getting himself into...

...and then in the coming years (in no particular order) we went on to travel to Boston (twice), Chicago, DC, Jamaica (twice), Cozumel, Cabo, Hawaii, London (twice), Ireland, Barcelona, Rome, Venice, Florence, Naples, Pompeii, Cannes, Monte Carlo, Istanbul, Dubrovnik, Athens, Munich, and Shanghai (well, that was just me...). By the time we get married, we'll have been together a little over 7 years. We really wanted to travel and see the world before we settled down with a family and real responsibilities. I think we pretty much accomplised that! We are some lucky kiddos. Here are some pics of some of our travels...
Boston, MA

Chicago, IL
Ochos Rios, Jamaica

Cozumel, MX

Kona, HI
London, Enlgand
Scotland-Outside where my parent's tied the knot. xoxo

Barcelona, Spain
Rome, Italy
Pisa, Italy
Climbing Mt Vesuvius: Naples, Italy
Venice, Italy
Cannes, France
Monaco, France
Toga Party in Greece
Athens, Greece
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Istanbul, Turkey
Munich, Germany

Enjoying some beers in Munich

So, obviously I wanted to pick somewhere we haven't been. John, on the other hand, REALLY, REALLY wanted to go back to Ireland. You see, when we went to Dublin together, we were 20, and it was the last leg of our European trip, meaning we had run out of money. We couldn't afford to do or see anything. We didn't even tour the Guinness Factory, for goodness sake! We talked about some options, and decided that while we want to be adventurous, we don't want our honeymoon to include the stress of having to drive from town to town, with suitcases in tow. We wanted a mix of cool site-seeing, with some luxury and relaxation. So, cruise it is. To the British Isles. At first I was hesitant since I have been to almost every stop it makes (my fam lives in Scotland, and I go there often). But the more I looked into the excursions offered, the more excited I became. There are soo many things that I haven't seen or done in all the times I've been to the UK. John's stoked because there are several stops in Ireland, and I'm a happy camper because our last stop is in Paris! Happy sailing!