John finally sealed the deal and proposed on Sep 12th of last year. It was a crazy weekend, full of surprises, celebrations, and fun with friends and fam. John and I were supposed to go to San Diego for his brother David's 22nd b-day weekend. David's new b-day tradition has been a boys weekend to San Diego. I couldn't figure out why John wanted me to come, but he convinced me and off we went. I convinced (or so I thought) my friends Megan and Brett to go so I would have friends my age to hang out with. We headed down to Gaslamp, and John got a phone call from his brother saying that they hadn't even left Orange County yet. Since we had some time to spare, John had the idea to exit early and grab dinner at Paradise Point Resort in SD. He said he wanted to show Brett and Megan where we first started dating-plus, we hadn't been back since either. When we started walking the opposite direct of the restaurant I got suspicious. When we walked into the little area with gazebos overlooking a pond, I saw his brother David, and his gf Karen standing there with John's guitar. John sang a U2 song that we have always loved and proposed! Thanks to our sneaky friends and modern technology, I have the proposal on video. I debated on whether or not to post it, mostly because my reaction is a little embarrassing. The second we got to the gazebos at Paradise Point, I knew what was happening. A second after that, I realized I was being video taped. I spent most of John's proposal looking back and forth between John and the video camera, laughing. I guess I was so surprised that I didn’t know what to do. While knowing I was on camera made may have tainted my reaction a bit, I am still so thankful to have this moment on video. Thanks, Brett!
Check out John's skills. Oh, and as you can hear, I was pretty impressed with the ring!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago