But...the night was more interesting than just bowling. Our competition decided to surprise us with costumes that probably need some explaining. John, Jeff, Ryan, and I all work together. One of our other co-workers mentioned to John and I that John really reminded him of a french cartoon character-Tin Tin. Being the only other person in the office who actually knew who Tin Tin was, I broke out into hysterics. Mostly because John looks exactly. like. him. Judge for yourself:

I don't know if it's the o-shaped mouth, or the hair-point, but the resemblance is undeniable! John has been coming to work the past few months to find obscure areas of his desk covered in Tin Tin pictures...but, the joke ran its course and the teasing subsided-so he thought...

I don't know if it's the o-shaped mouth, or the hair-point, but the resemblance is undeniable! John has been coming to work the past few months to find obscure areas of his desk covered in Tin Tin pictures...but, the joke ran its course and the teasing subsided-so he thought...