I feel like the last few months have been full of celebrations. Engagements, weddings, babies, birthdays....it has certainly been a busy 2010. This weekend, the celebrations continued. John and my mom attempted to orchestrate a surprise dinner to celebrate my graduation with my MBA, and my best friend Megan's graduation with her Masters in Instruction and Curriculum. Too bad John didn't mention to anyone that it was a surprise. Within a few days, I was in the know. We started our morning at our favorite CH
bar to watch the USA play England in the World Cup. It was an awesome morning! It's a rare occurrence in this part of the US to have an entire bar packed full of sports fans, all cheering for the same team. Rod, one of the owners, was dressed up as Uncle Sam, and most of the staff was decked out in Team USA gear. When we scored, the entire bar went crazy. Drinks were flowing, people were screaming, and this was all before noon, ladies and gentlemen. I am pissed that I didn't bring my camera. The only pics I have are from my BB.

John woke up early and went and bought me a shirt

Our dads even joined in the fun

USA Goooooalllllll!

Afterwards, we headed to the Melting Pot with some friends and family to celebrate Megan's and my graduation. It was a much-needed night of fun with my friends. I haven't laughed that hard in a while, and on our way home, John and I were saying how much we love our friends. They are truly a fun bunch, and they put up with John, err I mean us!