Be prepared for some pic overload!
Another shot of the dessert table
Diaper Cake and Name Blocks

Onsie Decorating Station
Brooke made tutus for every occasion for little Ry's 1st year, starting with St Patrick's Day! The tutu's were displayed around the house. What an amazing idea!

More Tutus...

Table Decor

Another diaper cake shot
Every detail was just gorgeous!

Check out the little hair clips that accented each centerpiece

It wouldn't be a party without Ashlee's cookies!

The girls made a dinner sign up sheet for people to volunteer to bring us dinner during the first month. I guess John will get fed afterall! ; )

Crepe Maker Extraordinaire setting up

One of the games involved me being blindfolded and having to guess what each different baby item placed in my hand was. I scored a 100%, thank you very much!

The presies!

Everyone knew what a big deal St P's Day is in the Hall household, and little R is going to fit right in!

Little Cousin Zoe helping with the presents. This is right before she told me that she's sorry my stomach will have to get ripped out in order to get the baby out. Hahahaha

We got several handmade sweaters from my Granny. Love them!

More St P's loot

The Grandma-to-Be's

We got several handmade sweaters from my Granny. Love them!

More St P's loot

The Grandma-to-Be's
The beautiful flowers John delivered to the shower. We are lucky girls

Jen and I-both expecting little ladies. It has been so fun to be pregnant at the same time as all of my best friends!
The moms and I again
Admiring my Bugaboo! Isn't she beautiful?! Thanks Mom and Dad!
Party Planners taking a breather
The soon-to-be GREAT Grannies!

Karen and I
Party Planners of the Year-My Best Friends = )

We had such a wonderful day. John enjoyed his "man shower" at Roscoes w/ the guys. His day basically consisted of hanging at the bar all day and NOT having to be anywhere near the estrogen packed house!

We had such a wonderful day. John enjoyed his "man shower" at Roscoes w/ the guys. His day basically consisted of hanging at the bar all day and NOT having to be anywhere near the estrogen packed house!
I can't believe how lucky we are to have such amazing friends in our lives!