At 7 months, Ry took her first international trip. It was her first plane ride, and as a result, she got her first cold. It was hard seeing her sick and being in another country. It was just a cold, but when her fever was spiking in the middle of the night, all I could think of was how it could go wrong and we wouldn't have any access to our doctors. Luckily I was paranoid for nothing and after a couple days, she was as good as new! We had a wonderful time in Scotland. Ry was christened there, and she got to meet all her family.

At 8 months, Ry celebrated Halloween. She was crawling up a storm at this point and standing up as long as she had something to pull herself up with. She also finally got her first tooth.

At 9 months, Ry weighed in at 17 lbs 4 oz, and was 27" tall! She was able to cruise all around our furniture and was able to get into EVERYTHING! She started waiving and blowing kisses at everyone who would look at her. She also learned to point out "nose", "kitty", "mama", and "dada" when asked.

At 10 months, Ry could stand on her own for long periods of time. She could now point to a nose, teeth, eyes, her blankie, the kitties, grandma, papa, LuLu her Ladybug rocker, and more when asked. She calls me and John by mama and dada. She also can say "mow" when asked what a kitty says. She loves her bananas, and shouts out "nana nana nana"when I am cutting it up for her in the morning. She has a cute way of letting us know she wants something (other than yelling and shrieking). She points out what she wants, and then waves at it frantically. It's so cute. She gives hugs and kisses. She is more inclined to kiss her own reflection, her toys, and other little kids than she is to kiss her mama or dada, but that's ok = )
Just four days shy of 11 months, she took her first real steps. She had taken a couple wobbly steps earlier this month, but on Jan 12th, she took off and took about five real steps. She has been getting better and better, and now can walk from her toys to the couch across the room. She still prefers crawling as she can get to where she wants to be faster, but she is walking more and more each day. I'm sure she will be running laps around us by her first birthday.
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Speaking of her birthday, I cannot believe that I am planning it already!She will be one in exactly one month! Invites will be going out this week and I can't wait to see them in person! We are doing a farm-themed party, complete with a mobile petting zoo (think Mrs Doubtfire, minus the horse in the living room). My parents are very kind in allowing us to bring farm animals to their perfect backyard! As an 11 month old, R doesn't have too many real interests yet, but she does love animals. Her favorite books are the ones that have animal pics, and she lights up and laughs anytime we see an animal.
Those are the big month-by-month milestones. I will be back with updates on x-mas