Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The One With The Christmas Decorations

We finally got our tree up this weekend. He's big, messy, and it was raining when we got him, so he's also a bit muddy...but nothin' beats a real tree, in my opinion!
Lights Up!

Ornaments Up!

It wouldn't be John's house without some New England sports paraphernalia!

And Done!
Now let's see how long it takes for our cats to destroy it!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The One Where I Start A Blog

So, after much debating, I've decided to blog! This will be a good place to share all the fun stuff that's coming up, like our wedding! We're always up to something, and all our pictures usually involve some sort of story, so I thought this would be a good venue to share what's going on in our lives with our fam and friends that we don't get to see everyday. And because blog posts are more fun with pictures, here are some of pics of our furr-children

Cody, chillin in the tree

Ringo, doing what he does best

Merlin, checkin out the stockings

Yes, they get presents (I know. I'm lame. But hey, I don't have kids!)