I am feeling great these days. Sleeping isn't as easy or comfortable as it used to be. I used to sleep like rock (and through my alarm), but now I'm awakened by the smallest thing. I also can't get comfortable. I always slept on my back or stomach, two positions that aren't allowed or possible any more. I kick (literally) my poor husband out of bed almost every night now, and I wake up to find him on the couch. So much for getting our good sleep in now! Although, as long as I am not spending my days/nights with my head in the toilet, I'm a happy camper.
Here's an updated survey:
How far along?: Almost 24 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: + 5 lbs
Maternity Clothes?: Yeah...squeezing into my old jeans is a distance memory, although I have a couple of pairs of stretchy pants I can still wear. Still wearing all my normal tops.
Sleep: so so
Best moment this week: weighing myself and finding out that I am only up 5 lbs from my pre-preg weight after all the sickening Halloween indulgences I've had over the last few weeks. I was scared to step on that scale!
Food Cravings: Thanksgiving food! I can't wait for stuffing, sweet potatoes, and pecan pie!
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nope!
Belly Button in or out?: In, for the moment
What I miss: Cocktails! So far I've been to three weddings, several nights out with friends, and a raging Halloween party, and I miss being able to have a drink or two with my friends. I also miss feeling energetic. I tend to fade around 9pm and I hate how boring I've become!
What I am looking forward to: Getting the house ready.
Weekly Wisdom: Exercise! I haven't been doing it enough, but I feel so good when I go on a long walk (hey, at least it's all uphill!). I have more energy and feel better overall
Milestone: having a healthy pregnancy so far, feeling good and being able to enjoy these last few weeks!
And, here's a recent pic
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