How far along?: 28 Weeks-3rd Trimester Baby!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +9 lbs. Waaaaa, but I suppose it could be worse
Maternity Clothes?: Yep. And the ones I bought are gettin' tight. Eeek.
Sleep: So/So. I toss, turn, and kick throughout the night, making these last few weeks of getting sleep pretty darn hard for my hub. Sorry about that.
Best moment this week: Finishing the nursery (well, almost)! The crib, which was supposed to take another 4-5 wks to arrive came in over the weekend. I was able to set up the bedding and see the whole room come together. I just have to hang her letters and the room's ready!
Food Cravings: Still have yet to experience a real craving. In fact, I haven't experienced many pregnancy symptoms except for all that sickness earlier on. No weird cravings, no meltdowns or moments of hormonal insanity (I verified this with John, who is always honest when it comes to these things). I feel like a larger, more puffy version of myself. I guess mother nature decided to throw me (and my husband) a bone after making me puke my guts out for four straight months.
Gender: Still a girl-reconfirmed this at my 4D U/S = )
Labor Signs: Around 24-25 wks, I started noticing Braxton Hicks contractions. I wasn't sure what was going on at first, but my entire stomach would completely harden for a few seconds, then relax. There's no pain, and they haven't ever been consistent. Just my body warmin' up!
Belly Button in or out?:'s out. Gross.
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, and my old clothes. No matter how cute they can be, maternity clothes just aren't the same. I miss my normal size jeans and my size small tops! I've graduated to wearing John's old shirts to bed b/c none of my oversized pj tops fit anymore.
What I am looking forward to: Hopefully seeing this babe's face during attempt # 2 of the 4D ultrasound.
Milestone: Moving on to every other week doc appts! Crazy how fast this has gone by!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
9 POUNDS!!!!! Get out of here with that sort of information!!!!!!! Gaining 9 pounds is like a distant memory for me!!! That's insane!!! Go you!
ReplyDeleteYou must remember that I threw every meal up for the first four and a half months, so that set me back. Also you are teeny lady! You only look pregnant in the belly area!