Thursday, February 9, 2012


Over the past 9 months, I have to say that I haven't had any of the stereotypical emotional side effects of pregnancy. My husband will even vouch for me on that one! No meltdowns, no yelling fits or sudden, unexplained crying. Not even any strange food cravings. I've felt just like a larger (and sicker) version of myself! I've been in good spirits despite all the sickness in the first half, and overall have felt pretty good. But over the past week or two, I have hit a wall people! I am so done with being pregnant, and I can feel the grumpiness setting in. My entire body hurts all day long. And sleep? Forget it! Everyone warns you that by this point in pregnancy, you don't feel good, and man are they right on this one. It hurts to sit on the couch. Lying down in bed is somehow even worse, and when I walk (or waddle) around, oh the pressure-I feel like something is about to fall out of my lady parts! Let's hope it doesn't go down like that! I have also been extremely spacey, which John can def vouch for. I guess my mind is officially occupied by all things baby and has no room for anything else.
Despite all this discomfort, it does come with a few perks, like being able to work from home since week 35. My Doc actually asked at my 35 wk appt if I had to keep working. I thought that was a strange question because there are no complications going on that would cause him to put me on bedrest or to suggest not being active. He said that he recommends that his patients who don't have to work the last few weeks of pregnancy should not. My work situation is unique, but it got me thinking-what normal, working lady has the luxury of beginning their maternity leave 5 wks before baby? Wouldn't you want to save all that time for after baby is born? Anyway, almost 3 wks later I can see what good ol Doc Buchanan is talking about. Being this prego is HARD on your body. I sit at a desk all day, and even that got to be painful. So, I am now working from the home office, and it is bliss. I shower each morning and then change into a fresh pair of pjs. I actually get annoyed when I have to venture into public and wear real clothes. I tell myself that trend will end when my "real clothes" fit comfortably again.
In an effort to cut this pregnancy a week or two short, I have been walking like a mad woman and drinking red leaf raspberry tea like crazy. I know that she will come when she's good n ready, but if the fact that I'm good and ready is taken remotely into consideration, I want her to know! I have been having a lot of contractions over the past week, and they are getting more frequent and intense, but nothing timeable. I am also adamant that I will not be going to the hospital and leaving w/out a baby, so I plan to wait until I KNOW I am in full-blown labor before I leave the house. Hoping it won't be much longer now...


  1. I know it's so hard, but try to savor these moments you have to yourself. I remember people telling me that towards the end of my pregnancy and I felt like slapping them! Hahaha...but it's so true! My OB was Dr. Henderson, but Dr. Buchanan delivered Lily and he was WONDERFUL! Good luck lady!

  2. I know you are right! I was just saying to John that I should be enjoying these last few weeks of peace and quiet! What a coincidence about Dr B! I love St Jude so far, and am hoping Doc B is on call when it's time, but from what I've experienced, all the docs seem pretty great = )
