Now that Ryleigh is approaching 3 months old, my self imposed deadline for getting back into pre-preg (or better) shape is also fast approaching. I want no indication that I had a baby by summertime. I think that's reasonable. Maybe. I gained about 23 lbs during my pregnancy, and lost all but 2.5 lbs within the first two weeks (although it doesn't look the same when it all goes back!). I was a true believe in the miracle of breastfeeding. The lbs were falling off with no effort on my part. I got a little cocky. Yes, I'll have that brownie. I'm breastfeeding. Sure, I'll take fries. I'm breastfeeding. To add to it, we had endless amounts of meals and goodies brought to us all day, everyday for the first month or so. I think my mom made me a berry cobbler (my fav) at least once a week for about 6 weeks. Once the meals stopped, I found myself picking up dinner almost every night instead of cooking. I tried to make dinners, but I would have to either stop 1/2 through cooking to feed Ry, and instruct John on what do to with the chicken, pasta, oven, etc, OR I would make it through cooking the meal just to have Ry demand her dinner right as we were sitting down to eat. Needless to say, those lbs crept back on. I had to tell my mom that as much as it pained me, no more cobblers! I am now up 7 lbs away from pre-preg weight, but it feels like more because it's all concentrated in the same area. I started working out the day I got the ok from my doc at my 6 week check up, but I haven't been able to maintain a consistent workout routine. It's hard when no one else can feed little Miss but me. Over the past couple of weeks, we've worked out a fairly reliable feeding schedule for Ryleigh, and starting this week, I am committing to working out at least 4 days and cooking at least 4 days. Hopefully my good intentions become reality!
One nice thing about being pregnant is that people feel compelled to tell you how great you look, even if they are lying through their teeth. They may see a little extra poundage in the face area, but then they see that belly and there's the excuse. Once you have the baby, though, no one knows to attribute the extra weight to the babe unless it's with you. I know this is completely vain, but I've been out running errands sans baby, and joked that I want to wear a sign that reads "I just had a kid, not a burrito". Oh well. This little face makes it all worth it. = )
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Yes that little face does make it all worth it! And for the record you look fantastic!!!!