To do lots of this

And this

But unfortunately, none of this…

We booked a trip to Cabo with a group of friends several months ago, before the prospect of a bambino was even on our minds. The only downside to my current "situation" is since this is an all-inclusive resort, the rest of the group will have to drink my share of margaritas since I won't be able to get my money's worth!
Since I've been feeling much better this past week, I decided to drag my lazy butt off the couch and hit the gym last night. My daily work out routine crashed to a halt the minute that extra line showed up. Actually, it was really a few weeks after that when the never ending nausea hit. So, I skipped on over to the gym and was very proud of the 40 min cardio session that I completed. I left the gym sweaty and accomplished, planning on reinstating my gym routine…and then it hit me. I was going to throw up and I needed to get to a bathroom stat. So, there I was, throwing up in the locker room toilet during prime workout hours, with people in the stalls on either side of me. They probably just thought I was some poor, outta shape lady whose first gym session sent her crawling to the toilet. Just when I thought I was over all this nonsense…oh well. I'm going to attempt this again tonight, so finger's crossed history doesn't repeat itself.
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