As promised, an update! Here's a short list of just of few of the things I've come to learn in these 3 short months of pregnancy...
•Believe your doctor when he tells you that you should be careful when taking antibiotics and your birth control pill…I'll leave it at that
•Morning sickness lasts all day…that's really nothing new. I'd heard that from many people, but I didn't quite understand the weight of those words until I experienced it myself. I felt sick from the moment I opened my eyes in the morning until the moment I closed them at night. It has not been pleasant...
•It's very common to actually lose weight during your first trimester…see above reasoning. I guess Mother Nature decides to throw you the smallest of bones in the midst of all your misery
•You will get very excited when your doctor tells you that you can continue with your daily cup o' joe, until you realize that your unborn child has made you hate coffee. Now, the smell that you once loved waking up to makes you want to run to the toilet. In fact, early pregnancy makes you hate pretty much all the things that you once loved, like Mexican food, which is truly a tragedy
•Top Ramen ranks high on the list of the absolute worst foods to throw up. I had a noodle stuck in my throat for what seemed liked days
•Even the simple act of brushing your teeth can trigger a puke attack. My mornings typically go like this: Wake up. Brush teeth. Gag from said teeth brushing. Barf or dry heave for about 10 min. Repeat. Plan on going through a lot of toothpaste.
•Thinking about starting a family? Take a nice satisfying poop, 'cause it will be the last one for a while!
•Your first ultrasound isn't anything like the movies. That cute little wand doesn't go on your belly. This will traumatized your poor, unsuspecting husband for a short while
•Of all the mumbo jumbo people tell you you can't do while pregnant, the one thing that is actually legitimate is that you can't scoop up cat litter. I can have caffeine, wine, sleeping pills (helps w/ the nausea), and some varieties of sushi, but I can't clean up the cat poop…a small victory! (Oh, and I may or may not have paid my Doctor Father in Law to share that bit of information with my husband)
Despite all the misery that goes along with the early stages of incubating a child, we are very excited about this little thing. All the sickness just reassures us that everything is moving along nicely in there. Last week, the doc wasn't able to pick up a heart beat b/c of where the baby was positioned, so I got a little bonus ultrasound. I got confirmation that this child is certainly John's. It was spazzing out and wiggling like crazy in there, shaking its little arms and legs. It was so crazy to see it moving around so much, while not being able to feel a thing from the outside. In two weeks, we get a chance to find out the gender, if it cooperates, so finger's crossed!!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
This post made me laugh! SO happy for you! It will get better--pretty soon you'll be eating everything! (At least I did!) When I was pregnant with Jack all I wanted was Mexican food! :) And with Lily I was sick all day, everyday the first 12 to 14 weeks. They say with morning sickness is worse with girls and this was true for me. Can't wait for you to find out what you're having! :)
ReplyDeleteOkay, I was cracking up at the "hey, take a poop" part! The first few weeks of this pregnancy (unlike Carter's easy, breezy incubation period) had me HATING coffee. It was torture! That's just not fair...The one point in your life where you actually NEED the caffeine to function, and your little bambino says NO! Ridiculous! The good news is it should get better within the next few weeks, so hang in there! I'm so excited for you guys to find out what you're having!!