About You
Name: Tracie
Age: 28
Height: 5'7"
About The Father
Name: John
Age: 28
Height: 6'
Are you still together: Yep, Married 1 year 2 months
About Your Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy: Yes
When did you find out you were pregnant: End of June
Was it planned: Ummmmm, nope!
What was your first reaction: Shock, then panic, then excitement
Who was with you when you found out: my cat-haha J was out of town that weekend
Who was the first person you told: Of course John, but the first person other than him and I to know was my BFF Brooke
How did your parents react: They thought we were playing a mean joke on them...once they found out we were serious, they were ecstatic!
How far along are you: 16 Weeks
What was your first symptom: Late
What is your due date: Feb 29th, 2012-a leap year baby!
Do you know the sex of the baby: Yes-Girl!
Have you picked out names: Ryleigh = )
How much weight have you gained: As of right now, I'm down about 5 lbs from pre-pregnancy...all that sickness and all those food aversions!
Do you have stretch marks: No and I'm hoping it stays that way!
Have you felt the baby move: Not yet.
Have you heard the heartbeat:Yes, so cool!
About the birth
Will you keep the baby: Seriously? Only if she's cute ; )
Home or hospital birth: Hospital all the way!
Natural or medicated birth: I want every drug offered.
Who will be in the delivery room with you: Husband
Will you breastfeed: Yep! Great for baby and a great calorie burner!
Do you think you'll need a c-section: No reason to think that yet
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time: I don't cry easily...
What's the first thing you might say to him/her: Hi-nice to meet you. Why were you so mean to me for your first four months in utero?!
Would you let someone videotape the birth: Who really wants to see that?
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: My only real fear is of pooping on the delivery table...it panics me to think about that happening!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
You mean to tell me that you don't want an in-home, water birth??? Blasphemy!
ReplyDeleteHahaha Chad said that if I was ever serious about not having a baby in a hospital with drugs, he would consider that a deal breaker hahaha!
Poop was my biggest fear too!!!!! So much so that I actually only ate salad and water for the last week of both my pregnancies! LOL. but good to know, I didn't poop! And congrats on Breastfeeding. Huge benefit to baby and great great great calorie burner. I couldn't even keep weight on with Johnny.