Well, it's no secret that pregnancy has been hard on me. As excited as I am about having my very own mini-me, these past 4.5 months have been rough. Thankfully everything is healthy and progressing nicely, which is awesome. I just wish I was feeling good enough to really enjoy being pregnant! Here are some updates on all things baby:
I'm a little over 18 wks along with this little lady. We had an early ultrasound at 15 weeks to find out the gender, but the hospital confirmed that this is indeed a girl at my anatomy scan this past week. It took the first place we went about an hour and a half to determine that she's a girl since she was being so shy and protective of her privates, but this week was a different story. The tech confirmed gender within about 10 seconds of turning the screen on. Those legs were wide open! She is doing great, and even though she's not letting me eat much or keep much down, she is growing right on track. I, on the other hand, am not growing much yet. I have been taking some pictures of my belly, but feel silly because there is no really belly there yet. I can notice it, especially when I'm in the ol birthday suit, but I could still get away with hiding it if I had to. I have not had any substantial or weird cravings, but I have definitely accrued a list things I CAN'T eat. Meat is on that list. I can barely stomach any kind of meat, and if I can get some down, it has to be drowned in sauce so I can avoid the meaty taste. Funnily enough, I have been loving pickles. I haven't had to send John off for a pickle jar in the middle of the night, but when we go to our local bar, Roscoe's, I always have to indulge in their giant, fresh pickles. Mmmmm
That's about all that's new and exciting in our little world. I've been so bad at taking pics lately, so I'll try to get some up and documented next time!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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