Wednesday, February 15, 2012

38 Weeks

Today marks 38 weeks...exactly two weeks to go until I reach my due date, and no more than 3 weeks to go at the most before this whole pregnancy thing comes to an end! It can't come soon enough! I know we should be enjoying these last moments of peace and quiet, but it is all overshadowed by the anticipation and complete discomfort! I had a visit with the doc yesterday and he told me that he will induce me next week if I am dilated at all by my next appt (on Tue). I was not dilated at all yesterday, but baby's head is very low, which he said will help dilate my cervix faster, which is nice. But it also is what is contributing to all the uncomfortableness in my lower regions. So, we shall week would be very convenient since John will be out of town on my actual due date. He will be somewhat local, working a trade show in San Diego, but it would be a relief for him to know that I won't go into labor at any time while he is 2 hours away.

On a non babe note, yesterday was V-Day, and what a lovely day it was. I had a doc appt in the am, followed by a little lunch outing with John. After work, we got all dolled up and headed to Taps, one of my fav places that I always manage to forget about. Since it was Valentine's Day, they had a fixed menu, and my all time fav dessert, their chocolate souffle, was not on it. I knew about this ahead of time, but I was still hoping by some miracle that it would be on the menu when we arrived. Well, it wasn't, but good ol John asked our server if they could prepare a souffle for a desperate pregnant lady, and they did! John, who has a thing about menu alterations and asking for special things at a restaurant, was my hero last night! Anyway, we had a delish meal of crabcakes for me, oysters (ew) for him, lobster pot pie, and some amazing souffle. I couldn't really move by the end of the night since I was so stuffed, but it was worth every last calorie!

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